Projekt Kosovo
Together with the Kosovo Republic's Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare, the local German Embassy and various other committees as well as youth care organizations, we are currently working on a project for a youth village in Kosovo to give underpriveleged youth an opportunity for a new start in life and to enable their social (re)integration.
In conjunction with this project, the assistant Kosovo Minister of Labour and Social Welfare, Mr Fatmir Shurdhaj, and the Secretary General, Mr Viktor Mehana visited the "Schloss Großheide" estate in October 2012.
More details concerning this project will be posted soon.
Visit the castle Großheide (from left to right):
Helmfried Buck, residential group home manager "Schloss Großheide";
Dieter Schroeder, carers in the group home;
Viktor Mehana, Secretary General of the Republic of Kosovo;
Fatmir Shurdhaj deputy. Minister of Labour and Social
the Republic of Kosovo;
René Meyer, CEO of Renial GmbH

Visit to the "Großheider Kontor" from left to right):
René Meyer, CEO of the "Großeider Kontor";
Fatmir Shurdhaj deputy. Minister of Labour and Social
the Republic of Kosovo;
Viktor Mehana, Secretary General of the Republic of Kosovo